You Can Now Have Morgan Freeman As Your Sat Nav's Voice

You can now get directions from one of the most instantly recognisable voices on the planet, as the one and only Morgan Freeman has put his voice to directions on Waze
You Can Now Have Morgan Freeman As Your Sat Nav's Voice

It’s the moment the Internet has been waiting for: Morgan Freeman has recorded directions for the Waze app, meaning God himself will now direct you to your destination.

Freeman has jumped in the recording studio as part of a promotion for his new film, London Has Fallen. His deep, relaxing tones will calm the frazzled nerves of commuters across America, though it’s unclear if the service will be made available elsewhere. He talks as his character from the film, Vice President Trumbull, with users reporting that you’re referred to as if you’re the president. Good for your sense of direction and your ego, then.

Who else would you like to see voice a satellite navigation system? Perhaps Jeremy Clarkson’s aggressive directions would get you to your destination faster? Or would you prefer Vin Diesel to direct you both on the road and in life through sporadic inspirational quotes?



Jeremey Clarkson is next. We need him.

02/23/2016 - 15:13 |
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Kyle Ashdown

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

They already have a Clarkson voice…for TomTom I think.

02/23/2016 - 15:23 |
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Austino (The Clean Racer)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


02/23/2016 - 20:35 |
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we need Mr. Regular’s voice now. His voice is pure porn…

02/23/2016 - 15:15 |
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“Which left turn is best left turn?”

02/23/2016 - 21:08 |
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Only US. I’ll stay with colonel sanders

02/23/2016 - 15:25 |
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02/23/2016 - 15:26 |
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what about Gordon Ramsay?

02/23/2016 - 15:28 |
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02/23/2016 - 15:47 |
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Ian Brody

I use waze!!!! It tells you where cops are if a user submited the report.

02/23/2016 - 15:57 |
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Mark Mason

I would use satnav to go places I know. Each trip to the store or work would be awesome

02/23/2016 - 16:12 |
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Ben F. (Slowmaro)

I wish I had a Bristish woman who sweared a lot as my GPS voice.
“You missed your turn, you stupid tw_t. Now make a u-turn 500 feet ahead before I bite your knob off.”

02/23/2016 - 16:41 |
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I’d drive aroused all the time and I’d make a lot of mistakes on purpose haha

02/23/2016 - 18:14 |
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Imagine having Gordon Ramsay telling you where to go with his relaxing accent.
Well, that would probably be the only relaxing thing about it…
“Turn right now you donkey… Argh bloody hell you missed the turn you bloody c*nt!”

02/24/2016 - 05:47 |
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“Take the next right in 33 feet”

ok god

nobody gets the reference…

02/23/2016 - 16:43 |
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