Difference between a flat 6 and V6?

Just would like to know if there is a difference and all and which is better.


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Deadpool (Cam's much sexier twin) (Official Demon Fangirl)

A flat six is flat and it’s “block” is actually two halves. A v6 is v shaped and has a solid block. Flat engines have a lower center of gravity but packaging a v6 is easier. As far as performance goes it really is just preference!

07/04/2016 - 01:38 |
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Aaaaah thanks. Just wondering why Porsche put in a flat 6 in a majority of their cars….

07/04/2016 - 07:00 |
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The flat six is on the top and the V6 is on the bottom.

07/04/2016 - 01:52 |
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There is also the v6 180° wich is pretty much a flat 6 but the camshaft is different

07/04/2016 - 13:26 |
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