Honda Civic ep2 1.6 se

Hello I’m getting a civic tomorrow for my first car. My insurance is too high for the faster models of the civic so i can only get a civic ep2 1.6 se. I want to make the car faster because its only a 110bhp. It has got a spoon n2 exhaust, type r spoiler and a induction kit. I got told no point remapping it because you can’t really tell the difference in it so i was thinking about adding a turbo kit to it. Anyone have any ideas to improve it?

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hi, im in the same kinda boat as im also getting an ep2 as a car because ep3 insurance is too high. iv been doing some research and to me im ether going to turbo the d series in the car with a ebay turbo kit, or im going to do a k20 swap. once to add up the cost of all the part you need for ether of these options e.g. ecu, exhaust down pipe, wiring etc. It comes to about the same cost. so its down to whether to want a 1.6 turbo or a n/a 2 litre.

02/23/2017 - 19:28 |
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Thanks Josh, I seen people put turbos in it but also got told it has a high pressure engine. Also I’m a student (19) so I probably can’t do an engine swap. The engine is naturally aspirated so you can’t really remap the ecu. So far on my car i have an induction kit, n2 spoon exhaust and type r spoiler.

02/23/2017 - 19:37 |
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