Installed a GGR Lower Gearbox mount on my MK7 ST
Right, so it took around an hour today to get the car jacked up, the old mount off and the new one installed. I drove the car before I swapped them over to make it easier to notice differences. I also tried to call my local Ford dealer to find out the torque specification’s of the bolts that hold the mount, so that I wouldn’t over or under tighten them. They said there isn’t a specification, just tighten as much as is necessary, which I wasn’t too convinced about. So after a little research found it was 50nm for the four main bolts (not the exhaust mount). Very concerning as these people are trained mechanics, I am not.
First impressions are good, 1-2 gear is very smooth, car feels tight and sturdy, have to try hard to notice any engine movement. A couple of noticeable differences that I may not have expected are; due to the engine now being firmly attached to the car the ride feels a little more stiff, as the engine now moves with the body, where as before the loose OEM mount acted almost like suspension. But its not drastic and is out weighed by the benefits. Another thing to point out is that, before installing I read that the poly engine mounts can cause a slight increase in cabin vibration. This is very noticeable when the car starts and idles higher to warm up (around 1100rpm), but other than that there is no vibration at all, just seems to happen at around 1000rpm which is odd (could be a result of my Milltek exhaust), but its not overbearing. I haven’t driven that many miles yet so not much more to say, but will make another post if anything changes. All in all, very impressed, makes a noticeable difference to the OEM. Should have arrived from the factory this way!
Just installed Cobb’s in mine last night and noticed a difference right away. I feel like I did my engine a favor by eliminating all that movement 👍🏼