Can you run just distilled water (0% coolant) in a car?
I have no money for coolant right now but I just got my project car put together, and I really want to drive it, and honestly just see if it runs. Can I fill the coolant system up with just distilled water temporarily? Until I get paid next week?
Yes but you shouldn’t as it can cause the engine internals to rust also of it freezes it could screw your engine
Well im using distilled water so that it doesnt rust, and its the dead of summer, 90 degrees everyday, so im not worried about freezing
Don’t drive very far or hard, and sure. Watch your temp gauge, though.
Pure Water has a better cooling effect than mixed with coolant, temps should not be the problem. Rust is gonna be the issue later on if he does not change it.
If where you live the temperature doesn’t go to low the. It should be fine
No because water’s boiling point is the engine’s operating temp usually. If you want to run the coolest in the heat the best is a 60/40 mix of water to coolant
You’re fine.
Is your F bird broken or your Corolla?
The bird. I bought the corolla as a daily so I could work on the bird.
No. Do not do it. Don’t listen to these people telling you it’s okay. The water will boil in your engine.
Agree. NEVER use pure water, distilled or not, as an engine coolant.
Also glycol helps water pull more heat out of the system thus making your cooling system more effective
vegetable oil
Only very short term. Rust will be a problem, as well as extended driving