Help me break my fear of the s1000rr and it's reliability. Is this a reliable bike?

Ironically in a turn of events this is the cheapest literbike bike I can afford insurance wise in the liter bike class but,I just don’t trust it. I heard a lot of horror stories of the bike blowing engines among other quirks. This isn’t something you want to worry about when putting down 15k. I like to ride and put miles in period. Is this something I can daily like I would a cbr1000rr or any other Japanese bike?

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I heard it’s not that bad. The 6 cylinder tourer had very Bad results when tested. The S1000RR may not be a Japanese bike when it comes to reliability but it’s still much more reliable than Italian bikes. It’s my favourite bike, I guess I would take the risk. It’s to awesome not to want.

10/31/2016 - 09:36 |
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My bike hasn’t had any problems so far (knock on wood) just be on top of maintenance and u should be fine. U will hear weird chain noises from it but it’s normal lol. It’s an amazing machine

11/01/2016 - 05:54 |
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Tommy H.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Have you ever had to change a tire? Somebody told me not to get the bike specifically for this reason lol

11/02/2016 - 10:21 |
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