A word about Mustang memes:

I’m not much of a talker. Usually, I like to sit back and watch things wordlessly, and see what happens. But honestly folks, this has gotta stop. As you all know, a little while back, someone noticed that there were quite a few videos out there of Mustangs losing control leaving car meets. This was further compounded at the 2015 Annapolis Car Show, when a GT500 lost control and plowed into the crowd. It was after this incident that the memes started to flow.

Now, it was funny for awhile. People had a laugh about it, and even Mustang owners took it in stride. But then, people started to get butthurt. For no reason whatsoever, all of a sudden, those who make Mustang jokes automatically become “unoriginal” and “hurtful.”

The car community is one that is, often times, built upon banter. Jokes. You know what I mean. Hondas are lawnmowers, Italian cars break down (why do you think I drive a 1940 Cadillac instead of something from Italy eh?) and Challengers are heavy. People have put up with these jokes since the dawn of time. But suddenly, now that Mustangs crash into crowds, a sense of humor is a death sentence?! Gimme a break.

Make jokes. Take jokes. As long as they’re not actually hurting you in any way, leave the memes be. They’re not promoting “hate” in any way. Nobody actually takes them as fact. It’s just more banter. Treat it as such.


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Don Vito Corleone

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Was about to tag these folks in myself. Grazie.

10/08/2016 - 01:53 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Lol why’d you tag me? XD

10/08/2016 - 01:56 |
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I understand what you mean bro, sometimes many do go a little overboard with the Anti-Mustang meme thing, but let’s face it, no one wants this place to be “Mustang Meme Throttle”. Remember how it was back in like…April? Imagine if no one was there to help stop them. We’d be left with a completely over saturated meme section. You don’t want that.

On the flip side, no one wants this place to be Tumblr for car guys, getting offended at the littlest of things.

So yeah, I get what you mean, and I hope you get me.

Side note though: “They’re not promoting “hate” in any way. Nobody actually takes them as fact. It’s just more banter. Treat it as such.”
I’d say that some do (I remember one guy who did nothing but spam them every second of the day) promote hate, some aren’t really banter, and a LOT of people actually do treat them as fact.

But yeah, no salt or butthurt intended.

Arrive derpy to you, as well.

10/08/2016 - 01:56 |
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In reply to by [Flux]

I would give you a cookie.

But I lost it.

Well Said Flux.

10/08/2016 - 02:02 |
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Don Vito Corleone

In reply to by [Flux]

You have good points. However, it seems that when anyone even hints at a Mustang joke, there’s a disproportionate negative response from a few people, while the vast majority of people get a little chuckle out of it and move on. And yes, there will always be that one guy that actually does have bad intentions. There will be the one butthurt muscle guy that cries about imports 24/7, or the one import guy talking down to muscle car owners that can only drive in straight lines. However, people like this then are at the mercy of the family, and nobody messes with this family.

10/08/2016 - 02:05 |
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You have a very good point. People do get a littler too offended by memes (such as people swearing and threatening). But we also don’t want is people spamming unfunny memes for up vote magnets. There are funny mustang memes, such as the clown one made a few days ago. However, that rarely happens. And it’s usually just people saying “mustangs crash into crowds lol”.

10/08/2016 - 02:05 |
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Don Vito Corleone

In reply to by 86Heart

It’s true. There’s plenty of reposts and recycled ideas. However, I don’t see any reason to be mad at folks that are coming up with original content.

10/08/2016 - 02:08 |
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I miss Carroll Shelby.

He was the reason why I ignore Crowd Jokes.

10/08/2016 - 02:08 |
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Don Vito Corleone

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Mr. Shelby was a legend. However, just because Enzo Ferrari was a legend, doesn’t mean we don’t make jokes about Fezzas catching fire, right? I will say that I actually really do like Mustangs; I have nothing against them, and they are really great cars. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t poke a little fun here and there, as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody.

10/08/2016 - 02:11 |
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…as Flux said, we don’t want CT to turn into mustang meme paradise. There are few posts that do promote hate though, and those people know they shouldn’t do it. Which is why we get so irritated at them. I do laugh and up vote banter. But when someone simply says “the mustang runs over the crowd” I get annoyed. Those jokes are abused. And not even funny, I recently saw a meme that said “here we se a mustang ready to now a crowd”.

10/08/2016 - 02:09 |
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Don Vito Corleone

In reply to by 86Heart

People that act maliciously don’t last long here. Sure there might be some real anti-Mustang sentiment for whatever reason, but those people don’t last long on the site before they get banned, or leave due to community action.

10/08/2016 - 02:14 |
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Mark Mason

Banter is the spice of life. Anything I make is usually full of banter or other frivolous stuff. Well put, Don.

10/08/2016 - 02:39 |
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Thank you, my friend.

10/08/2016 - 02:58 |
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Sh*t i would defend italian cars but when we originaly bought the ferrari it already had a check engine light xD

10/08/2016 - 05:15 |
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