Rally Armor or Rokblokz mud flaps?

So, I’m pretty dead set on one or the other for my ‘05 3 hatchback, but if anyone knows another good rally style mudflap brand, let me know. My question is, which brand is better? I live in Canada, so the season has already kicked off, but I’ve decided I’d better get some. My concerns for each brand are as follows:

Rokbloks - Mounting hardware isn’t as good (from the reviews I’ve seen), the flaps are are stiff to begin with and it gets real cold so I don’t want them to snap off while backing through snow.

Rally Armor - Really expensive (near $200 CAD to buy and ship here), might be too floppy? Again, I’m backing through snow so I don’t want to accidentally run them over if they bend super far into the wheel.

What would you guys suggest? Any opinion is appreciated! (I’ll post pics once they arrive and are installed)

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12/04/2016 - 16:40 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Any particular reason why?

12/04/2016 - 18:32 |
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Mazda Fanatic

I live near montreal so I’m aware of the winter’s here. I have the rally armor mud flaps (i bought them used for $80). They are really good, not super floppy, but flexible enough to not have to worry about them. The hardware that comes with them is overkill. There is no way that they would come off.

When i installed mine, i just used the mazda factory plastic clips to hold the flaps on. This is because i was lazy and didn’t want to have to peel the fender liner to install the rally armor hardware. Even with the mazda clips there is no way thst the flaps will come off. I would highly recommend these flaps, especially if you can find them used.

Here’s a pic of them on my 07 speed3

12/04/2016 - 17:55 |
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Hate to comment on a post so old, but I recently found a pretty good deal on a new set, but I want to make a test set out of cardboard to see what I have for wiggle room. Do you know roughly what the length is from the ground to the bottom of the flap? Thanks man

06/14/2017 - 22:29 |
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More durable for that weather

12/04/2016 - 18:34 |
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