Apparently vw's have rotary engines?

So today in school we were doing a math problem that involved a vw passat and a honda accord. There was a kid who asked “what kind of car is a passat?” So of course im first to answer and say “its a volkswagon you’ve never heard of them?” His response was, “nah man I dont know about those import cars. I only drive things with v8s.” I said, “Oh well they came with a W8 which is kind of like a v8.” Then the mother f* really asked “I thought those had rotary engines?” -__- I told him you’re thinking of Mazda buddy and not all of them have rotarys lmao.

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I feel your pain… sometimes I think i’m the only smart person in our class.

03/14/2016 - 20:42 |
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Michael M

BMW had rotary’s I believe, Mazda wasn’t the only one

03/14/2016 - 20:54 |
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I really hope you’re being ironic.

03/14/2016 - 21:01 |
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Im pretty sure bmw never made a rotary. But yes I know Mazda isnt the only one. Audi made one, so did Chevy, Citron, Mercedes and Im sure a few more. But I dont think VW ever did. EXCLUDING AUDI.

03/14/2016 - 21:06 |
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03/14/2016 - 21:07 |
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